Sam And Max Save The World Episode 2 Walkthrough

Sam And Max Save The World Episode 2 Walkthrough Average ratng: 8,6/10 1143 reviews

Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Episode 1-5; The Penal Code walkthrough;Tomb of Sammun-Mak walkthrough; They Stole Max' Brain walkthrough. We leave reel 1 to find a solutionfor the toy puzzle and some reel 2 puzzles.Reel3: The StandoffClick on Max' icon attop right and click on the projector (power of astral projection).Select reel 3 - TheStandoff, press the red button and watch.Continuing theintroduction scene and puzzle; select the fut snek sqweegl sqweegl burddialogue to read the hieroglyphs above the archway.

The gate opens. Sameth andMaximus escape from Kringle with the Devil's toy box.Check thepassengers and look for the toy box.Blue car:Sameth and Maximus'cabin: At the Disorient Express bound for home, theyrealize that the toy box is stolen.Exit the cabin. See aman exit to the left car.Kringle:Go left and check Kringle's cabin.Take the emptydrinking glass from the room service tray in front of the door.Green car:Go through door and beat the Green car.Jurgen:See Jurgen, the Stuttgarter. Sam recognizes the man (Episode 203: Night ofRaving Dead).

He enters the cabin nextdoor.Enter Jurgen's cabinand see that it is full of anti-vampire items.Open the closet doorat right and see an idol.Try to open thesteamer trunk and Jurgen comes back in time to throw the duo out of the cabin.Jurgen goes next dooragain.Moles:Click on the moles' door. See Jurgen talk to mole man about something hewants.Talk to the mole man.Learn about Jurgen and that their destination is America.Talk to Nefertiti, themole girl and learn about her crush on Jurgen.Jurgen:Knock on Jurgen's door again. Talk to Jurgen again. Learn that he is under acurse and fears being a vampire.Luggage:Go to the right end of the car.

See a stack of luggage. Click on it to see if the toy box is here.See and click on Spot,the snake.Blue car:Luggage: Go to blue car atright. See elves walk to the other car.Go to the right end of car and check the luggage.See and open asarcophagus.Yellow car:Go and enter theyellow car on the right.Elves:Knock on the door of the elves' cabin.Talk to the elf andlearn about the Secret Project.Talk to Slushie aboutthe Secret Project. Slushie changed and is very pale. He's a vampire.The secret project is a new toy thatneeds to be kid tested first before he talks about it.Baby Amelia:Continue to the right and knock on Baby Amelia's cabin.Sameth enters the cabin and sees Baby Amelia napping.The music box isplaying. Use the music box to close the lid. Learn that Baby Amelia fallsasleep with the music of the Ride of the Valkyries.Talk to Baby Ameliacompletely.

Sam regained consciousness in Bosco's store and made it pretty clear that the next course of action is to save his little buddy. Talking to Bosco, he mentions a hypnosis-blocker, but says he wouldn't know how to make one. Pretty much everything I try to interact with makes Sam quip phrases along the lines of 'That makes me miss Max'. Got a Sam & Max Episode 106: Bright Side of the Moon walkthrough, FAQ or Guide? Use the submission form, or email them as attachments to are posted in their original.

She does not want to test the toy of the elves.Check the closet andcheck the music box again. Exit the cabin.Curses abound:Go left 2 cars down to green car.See Nefertiti give a letter to Jurgen. Nefertiti goes back to her cabin.Talk to Jurgen again.Go to next car (anywhere away from Jurgen's cabin) and then go back to Jurgen's cabin again.See him leave and goto the moles' cabin.Enter Jurgen's cabinand take/read the letter on the dresser. It is a love letter from Nefertiti.Exit the cabin.Holstein hex:Knock and enter themoles' cabin. Jurgen leaves.Give Nefertiti's love letter to mole man. Jurgen comes in and themole mancurses Jurgen with the Sexo Rejexo Hex.An angry Nefertitithrows the Holstein Hex on Sameth and Maximus. Maximus changes to a cow.Use the drinking glasson Maximus to get a glass filled with milk.Sexo Rejexo Hex:Talk to the mole man and find out the curse he threw on Jurgen.

It is the SexoRejexo Hex.Mole man throws thecurse on all men that Nefertiti has a crush on.Talk to the mole manabout daughter. This time report that Nefertiti has a crush on 'us'. He cursesSameth and Maximus with the Sexo Rejexo Hex. See broken hearts and female signson the cursed ones' aura. The Sexo Rejexo Hexwill repel any woman the cursed ones talk to.Enter Kringle'scabin and check the steamer trunk:Go to Kringle's cabinat blue car.Place the cookie jarand the glass of milk on the room service tray.Knock on door and say'room service'.Immediately, click on Max' icon attop right of screen and use the can o'nuts.See the duo enter thecan that is placed on the tray. Kringle takes the tray inside.Kringle is knocked outafter being surprised by the two heroes that came out of the can.Check the steamertrunk and see that it is empty.

An awakened Kringle is also surprised to notethe empty trunk.Inside is a note fromthe Brotherhood of Yog Soggoth.The 2 get thrown out of the cabin. The jarof cookies is also placed outside.Get a child toytester for the elves:Go to the elves' cabinat the yellow car.Talk to the elf andask for Slushie.

Tell Slushie that they can get a kid tester. Slushie waitsoutside the door.Now that Sameth andMaximus are cursed with the Sexo Rejexo Hex, knock on Baby Amelia's door.Sameth talks to BabyAmelia and she gets repelled by the curse. She lands on Slushie's arm and they enter the elves'cabin.Later she comes outapproving the toy and goes back to her cabin. She tells Sameth that it is amodel biplane. Youcan go back to reel 1 to finish that reel now or solve it anytime youwant to after this point in the game or continue with reel 3.Go back to Reel 1 TheSphunx Challenge:Click on Max' icon attop right and click on the projector (power of astral projection).Select reel 1 - TheSphunx Challenge, press the red button and continue the game.Get the can o'nuts back:Exit the theatre and be at Little Arctic Circle.Talk to the elves about toy concept. Tell them abouttoy biplane.Sameth and Maximus took the can o'nuts from Snowcone.It is now one of Maximus' powers.Beat the Sphunx challenge:Go back to the theatre.

Climb the stage.Step on the tongue of the Sphunx.Click on Max' icon at top right of the screen.Select-activate the can o'nuts.Sameth and Maximus are pulled in the can. The can onthe tongue is pulled through the bars.The duo pops out of the can on the other side of thebars.Papierwaite gives the ticket to Egypt aboard theDisorient Express. Papierwaite also charge them to enter the Tomb ofSammun-Mak and take the Devil's toy box.Reel 1 is finished.Youcan go back to reel 3 to finish that reel now or solve it anytime youwant to after this point in the game orcontinue on to play reel 2 until the end.Go back to Reel 3: The Journey Home.Check the elves'steamer trunks:Now that the projectis done, knock on the elves' door and check the trunks. No toy box.Check Mole's steamer trunk:Go to green car and enter the moles' cabin.Use Max' ventriloquist powers on the steamer trunk.The mole man gives his permission to open the trunk.Check the parchment on the open lid of the trunk.The parchment has a bat and 3 hands. The mole man explains that it is of useonly to those under the dread vampire curse.

That is what Jurgen wants.Get Jurgen out of his cabin:Exit the mole's cabin. Overhear that Nefertiti isleaving the cabin also.Immediately, activate the can o'nuts to hide theduo.Nefertiti checks the hallway and sees no one. Sheknocks on Jurgen's door and talks to him.When she gets tongue-tied; activate theventriloquist powers and use it on Nefertiti.Select the vampire reverse curse dialogue and thenselect 'sarcophagus'.Jurgen leaves to go to the next car to check thesarcophagus.Check Jurgen's steamer trunk:Go to the elves' cabin at yellow car. On the way,see Jurgen by the sarcophagus.Knock on elves' door and ask for Slushie the elfvampire.Tell Slushie that Kringle wants him.Hear Jurgen. After a while, see Slushie come backwithout seeing Kringle.Go to next car and talk to Jurgen. He's now avampire.Go to Jurgen's cabin at green car.

The genre-blending charm and sweetness that fueled and hasn't changed that much, but does it really have to?, alongside drummer and bassist, makes safe records. Tender moments such as 'If I Could' and 'No Other Way' showcase a more reserved side on. While there isn't anything wrong with that, taking a few more risks sonically and lyrically wouldn't work against him. Producer is back again, touching up 's summery backdrop for another playful set of songs. Other highlights include the lullaby-like 'Breakdown' and the bossa nova rhythms of 'Do You Remember.' Jack johnson - in between dreams lyrics.

Check the steamertrunk.Jurgen comes back to the cabin but now that he is avampire cannot enter.The steamer trunk is empty. I have failed you, Yog Soggoth but you will be avenged.The toy box:Guess who is standing on the toy box. She insiststhat she is now a woman.Sameth and Maximus are still under the Sexo RejexoHex.Answer the question and see the repelling of the'woman'.

Sameth takes the Devil's toy box.Reel2: The Train to Egypt.Sameth and Max'cabin:Click on Max' icon attop right and click on the projector (power of astral projection).Select reel 2 - The Train to Egypt, pressthe red button and watch.The duo is on theDisorient Express bound for Egypt after winning the Sphunx challenge.Meet Baby AmeliaEarhart the famous missing baby. The train attendant is outside checkingtickets.In the scuffle, thetickets fly out of the train. Baby Amelia is stuffed in the steamer trunk andis very mad.Maximus' powers here ispower of astral projection and can o'nuts.Silence Baby Amelia:After learning what music can put Baby Amelia tosleep in reel 3, click on steamer trunk and select the Ride of the Valkyries.Sameth and Maximus sing the music and cause BabyAmelia to nap.Hide:Immediately, click on Max' icon and select the cano'nuts.The duo is sucked inside the can. The trainconductor checks the room and did not find anyone.Inside Tomb of Sammun-Mak:Sameth and Maximus enter the tomb using the cano'nutsGo to the Devil's toy box on top of the centralpyramid.Something in the toy box is pulling Maximus. Aventriloquist dummy pops out the box.Grandpa mole, the guardian of the tomb catches thewould be tomb robbers. He sets the protection spell of the toy box.The protection spell is a set of blocks withhieroglyphs on a marquee at top wall.Go down and try to pick up the ventriloquist dummy.A big asp swallows the dummy and slinks out.Jurgen, the student of antiquities:Walk to the right side and up the stairs.Examine and talk to the bas-relief on top of thestairs. He wants to be released by tripping the clasp under the bust ofSammun-Mak.Free Jurgen:Raise the stairs to the top platform:Pull the sconce-cobra head on the pillar right ofJurgen.Climb the stairs to the bust of Sammun-Mak.Trapped:Use the bust.

Sameth picks it up and releases thetrip plate underneath. Jurgen is freed.The 2 large guardians on the wall moved.

Sameth andMaximus are transformed to bas-relief themselves on a short ledge above theguardians.Jurgen did not help them and leaves.Free Sameth and Maximus:Talk to the guardians. They can be released if theycan answer the Riddle of the Sphunx.Ask to hear the riddle.What the gods deride: select cucumber cutlengthwise.The duo is freed. They still have the bust ofSammun-Mak.Go to chamber of delight:Go and enter the door at left end of the platform.See 2 entryways.

Use one of the entryway. Hear andmeet the mole man.One of the entryways is a trap (door of life anddeath). Choose any entryway and go through safely.Read the panels on the wall and learn aboutSammun-Mak.Find the ventriloquist dummy:Go to the room left of the panels.Meet the mole girl - Nefertiti. The hieroglyphstern-leaf mean turn and leave.See Charlie Ho-Tep and Spot the asp. Talk toNefertiti. Her curse is the Holstein Hex.Talk to Bennie, the mole man standing by theentryways.

Learn about the Sexo Rejexo Hex, Holstein Hex and Bad luck Whammy.Natasha in Little Arctic Circle is his wife.Get the ventriloquist dummy:Go down to Nefertiti' chamber. She gets upset andsic Spot on the duo.Immediately, activate the can o'nuts. The duo entersthe can and gets swallowed by Spot.Spot places the can on the table. Maximus takesCharlie and both guts run upstairs.See the Holstein Hex in action. After a while thehex fades and Maximus is back to normal.Maximus now has the power of ventriloquism.Go through either one of the entryway and out thedoor on the left. (There is another exit at other end of the hallway.)Burial chamber of Sammun-Mak:Exit to the platform and enter the doorway at rightend.Go to the burial chamber at end of hallway and meetGrandpa mole.Baby Amelia Earhart is here also.Do not go down to the chamber or Grandpa willrelease the spikes from the ceiling.Check the sarcophagus and the 3 blocks withhieroglyphs.Talk to dirty ole grandpa mole who keeps callingBaby Amelia to come to him.Learn what the 3 hexes are.

He only curses the peoplehe hates.The blocks look like the blocks on the protectionspell above the guardians outside. Remember that there are 3 empty block slotsat the end of the spell.Exit through the side door.

(There is another exitat other end of the hallway once the sconce on the other side is pulled.)Get the blocks with hieroglyphs:Get hexed with Sexo Rejexo Hex:Go back to the Nefertiti and Bennie, the mole man atleft side of the platform.Talk to mole man about your daughter. Nefertitidenies having a liking for the 2 guys. Exit discussion with Bennie.Use the ventriloquist power on Nefertiti.

Select Ilove Sameth and Maximus dialogue.Mole man blasts the guys with the Sexo Rejexo Hexthat repels the woman after hearing your voice.Distract Grandpa Mole:Go to the other side of the platform to the burialchamber.Remember that grandpa is a dirty ole man and keepscalling for Baby Amelia.Talk to Baby Amelia and see that she gets thrown tothe sarcophagus.While she is standing by the sarcophagus, use theventriloquist power with the sarcophagus. Baby Amelia gets thrown to GrandpaMole.Go down and take the 3 hieroglyphic blocks.Get close to the protection spell:Get hit by bad luck whammy:Baby Amelia gets away.Check the vacation brochures on the table. Selectresponse: Stuttgart for where the boys are from. Grandpa hates people fromStuttgart. Grandpa hits them with the Bad Luck Hex.Sameth and Maximus now have red skulls floatingaround their aura.