Stage Presence Meaning

Stage Presence Meaning Average ratng: 9,7/10 8813 reviews

“I cut out dear old Dad’s philosophizing.”) 3. There's a Beverly Cleary sculpture garden in Portland, Oregon. (Her explanation? Cards against proximity systems reviews.

My drama teacher said I had a very strong stage presence. What does this mean? And is it a big part of acting? Daffodil Girl. 1 decade ago. Favorite Answer. It is a performance skill, the ability to command the attention of the audience, through a quality performance.

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the state of being present: Your presence is requested at the meeting.; a person’s bearing or force of personality: His presence was commanding.
Not to be confused with:
presents – gifts: The child received a lot of presents.; things presented: The company presents its new president.


1. The state or fact of being present; current existence or occurrence: a student's presence in class; the presence of toxins in the blood.
2. The area immediately surrounding a great personage, especially a sovereign: in the king's presence.
3. A person who is present, especially in an impressive way: She was a presence in our lives.
a. A person's bearing, especially when it commands respectful attention: 'He continues to possess the presence, mental as well as physical, of the young man'(Brendan Gill).
b. The quality of self-assurance and effectiveness that permits a performer to achieve a rapport with the audience: stage presence.
5. A supernatural influence felt to be nearby: felt a presence during the séance.
6. The people, especially diplomats or troops, stationed by a government in a foreign country: our diplomatic presence in that nation's capital.


(ˈprɛzəns) n
2. the immediate proximity of a person or thing
3. personal appearance or bearing, esp of a dignified nature
5. (Alternative Belief Systems) an invisible spirit felt to be nearby
6. (Electronics) electronics a recording control that boosts mid-range frequencies
7. (Electronics) (of a recording) a quality that gives the impression that the listener is in the presence of the original source of the sound
9. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) obsolete short for presence chamber
[C14: via Old French from Latin praesentia a being before, from praeesse to be before, from prae before + esse to be]


(ˈprɛz əns)
2. immediate vicinity; proximity.
3. the military or economic power of a country as reflected abroad by the stationing of its troops, sale of its goods, etc.
4. Chiefly Brit. the immediate personal vicinity of a great personage giving audience or reception.
5. the ability to project a sense of ease, poise, or self-assurance.
6. personal appearance or bearing, esp. of a dignified or imposing kind.
7. a person, esp. of noteworthy appearance or compelling personality.
8. a divine or supernatural spirit felt to be present.


  • hoodoo - A person who practices voodoo; the word also describes a person or thing whose presence is supposed to bring bad luck.
  • al fresco - Implies the presence of some nearby structure (one does not hike al fresco).
  • pyrosis - Heartburn is actually pyrosis, caused by the presence of gastric secretions, called reflux, in the lower esophagus.
  • evince - To indicate, to reveal the presence of a quality or feeling.
Noun1.presence - the state of being present; current existence; 'he tested for the presence of radon'
being, beingness, existence - the state or fact of existing; 'a point of view gradually coming into being'; 'laws in existence for centuries'
immanence, immanency - the state of being within or not going beyond a given domain
inherence, inherency - the state of inhering; the state of being a fixed characteristic; 'the inherence of polysemy in human language'
ubiety - the state of existing and being localized in space
omnipresence, ubiquitousness, ubiquity - the state of being everywhere at once (or seeming to be everywhere at once)
thereness - the state of being there--not here--in position
thereness - real existence; 'things are really there..capture the thereness of them'--Charles Hopkinson
occurrence - an instance of something occurring; 'a disease of frequent occurrence'; 'the occurrence (or presence) of life on other planets'
shadow - a dominating and pervasive presence; 'he received little recognition working in the shadow of his father'
absence - the state of being absent; 'he was surprised by the absence of any explanation'
2.presence - the immediate proximity of someone or something; 'she blushed in his presence'; 'he sensed the presence of danger'; 'he was well behaved in front of company'
proximity - the region close around a person or thing
3.presence - an invisible spiritual being felt to be nearby
disembodied spirit, spirit - any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings
4.presence - the impression that something is present; 'he felt the presence of an evil force'
impression, notion, belief, feeling, opinion - a vague idea in which some confidence is placed; 'his impression of her was favorable'; 'what are your feelings about the crisis?'; 'it strengthened my belief in his sincerity'; 'I had a feeling that she was lying'
5.presence - dignified manner or conduct
personal manner, manner - a way of acting or behaving
gravitas, lordliness, dignity - formality in bearing and appearance; 'he behaved with great dignity'
6.presence - the act of being present
attendance, attending - the act of being present (at a meeting or event etc.)


1.being, existence, company, residence, attendance, showing up, companionship, occupancy, habitation, inhabitanceHis presence in the village could only stir up trouble.the presence of a carcinogen in the water
2.proximity, closeness, vicinity, nearness, neighbourhood, immediate circle, propinquityconscious of being in the presence of a great man
3.personality, bearing, appearance, aspect, air, ease, carriage, aura, poise, demeanour, self-assurance, mien(literary), comportmentHendrix's stage presence appealed to thousands of teenage rebels.
4.spirit, ghost, manifestation, spectre, apparition, shade(literary), wraith, supernatural being, revenant, eidolonThe house was haunted by shadows and unseen presences.
presence of mindlevel-headedness, assurance, composure, poise, cool(slang), wits, countenance, coolness, aplomb, alertness, calmness, equanimity, self-assurance, phlegm, quickness, sang-froid, self-possession, unflappability(informal), imperturbability, quick-wittedness, self-command, collectednessSomeone had the presence of mind to call for an ambulance.


1. The condition or fact of being present:
2. Behavior through which one reveals one's personality:
address, air, bearing, demeanor, manner, mien, style.
přítomnostpůsobivá prezentace
akivaizdojeblaivus protasįspūdinga išvaizdaįspūdinga laikysena
sự có mặt


1. [of person] (in place) → presenciaf; (at function) → asistenciaf (at a) he was aware of her presenceera consciente de su presencia
your presence is requestedse ruega su asistencia
to graceorhonour sb with one's presence (also iro) → honrar a algn con su presencia
in sb's presenceen presencia de algn, delante de algn
he said it in the presence of witnesseslo dijoen presencia deordelante detestigos
I felt comfortable in her presenceme sentíacómodo en su presenciaorcon ella
to make one's presence felthacerse notarorsentir
2. (Mil, Police) → presenciaf
military presencepresenciafmilitar
there was a massive police presence at the matchhubo una importantepresenciapolicialen elpartido
3. (= bearing, personality) → presenciaf
he had tremendous physical presencetenía mucha presencia
see alsostageC
4. [of thing, substance] → presenciaf
the presence of a carcinogen in the waterla presencia de un carcinógenoen elagua
metal rusts in the presence of oxygenel metal se oxidaen presencia deoxígeno
presence of mindpresenciaf de ánimo
to have the presence of mind to do sthtener la suficientepresencia de ánimo como para hacer algo, tener la presencia de ánimo de hacer algo


his presence in the village → sa présencedans levillage
The company has a strong presence in the UK → La compagnie a une forte présence au Royaume-Uni.
military presence →
in her presence → en sa présence
I felt comfortable in her presence → Je me sentaisà l'aise en sa présence.
in my presence → en ma présence
in the presence of → en présence de
in the presence of an observer → en présence d'un observateur
to make one's presence felt → se faire remarquer
(= impressive appearance) → présencef
stage presence → présence sur scène
(= ghost) → présencef
unseen presences → presence of mind nprésencef d'esprit
to have the presence of mind to do sth → avoir la présence d'esprit de faire qch


Gegenwartf, → Anwesenheitf; in somebody’s presence, in the presence of somebodyin jds(dat)GegenwartorAnwesenheit, in Gegenwartor im Beisein von jdm; he was admitted to the king’s presenceer wurdezumKönigvorgelassen; your presence is requestedSie sind eingeladen; your presence is requiredIhre Anwesenheit ist erforderlich; to make one’s presence feltsich bemerkbar machen; in the presence of dangerim Angesicht der Gefahr; there is a strong German presence in the 1500 metresdie Deutschen sind beim 1500-Meter-Laufstarkvertreten
a military/police presenceMilitär-/Polizeipräsenzf
(= bearing, dignity)Auftretennt, → Haltungf; (of actor: also stage presence) → Ausstrahlungf
they felt a ghostly/an invisible presencesie spürten, dass etwas Geisterhaftes/Unsichtbaresanwesend war


in the presence of → in presenza di, davanti a
to make one's presence felt → farsentire la propria presenza


(ˈprezns) noun
1. the state, or fact, of being present. The committee requests your presence at Thursday's meeting. teenwoordigheid حُضور присъствие presença přítomnost die Gegenwart tilstedeværelse παρουσίαpresencia kohalolek حضور läsnäolo présenceנוכחות उपस्थिति prisutnost jelenlét kehadiran (nær)vera presenza 出席 출석 buvimas, dalyvavimas klātbūtne kehadiran aanwezigheidtilstedeværelse, nærværobecność حضور presença prezenţă присутствие prítomnosť navzočnost prisustvo närvaro การอยู่ในที่นี้ bulunma 出席,在場 присутність; наявність حاضري، موجودگي sự có mặt 出席,到场
2. a striking, impressive manner or appearance. The headmistress certainly has presence. persoonlikheid حُضور، طَلْعَه вид presença působivá prezentace das Auftreten fremtoning; udstråling έντονη προσωπικότητα presencia esinduslikkus هیبت arvokkuus présenceנוכחות किसी उच्च व्यक्ति के सामने सेवार्थ उपस्थिति pojava, nastup fellépés sikap mengesankan sterkur persónuleiki presenza ふうさい 돋보임 įspūdinga išvaizda/laikysena izskats; stāja perawakan presentieframtoning; representativt ytre uderzająca osobowość حضور presença prestanţă вид, внешность pôsobivé vystupovanie / zovňajšok nastop nastup pondus, personlig framtoning กริยาท่าท่างที่โดดเด่น etkileyici görünüş 風采,風度 постава; зовнішність وضع، اخلاق người hiện diện; vật hiện có 风采,风度
in the presence of
while (someone) is present. This document must be signed in the presence of a witness; Don't talk about it in my mother's presence. in die teenwoordigheid van في حُضور в присъствието на na presença de za přítomnosti in Anwesenheit von i nærværelse af; nærværelse με την παρουσία, μπροστά σε en presencia de juuresolekul در حضور jnk läsnäollessa en présence de בְּנוֹכחוּת इस व्यक्ति की उपस्थिति में u prisutnosti vkinek a jelenlétében di hadapan í viðurvist in presenza di ~の面前で (~의) 면전에서 akivaizdoje (kāda) klātbūtnē di hadapan in bijzijn van i nærvær av w obecności په حضور كښې na presença de în prezenţa в присутствии za prítomnosti v navzočnosti u prisustvu i närvaro av ต่อหน้า huzurunda 在..面前(眼前),在..出席(情況下) у чиїсь присутності کي موجودگي ميں với sự có mặt của 在..面前(眼前),在..出席(情况下)
presence of mind
calmness and the ability to act sensibly (in an emergency etc). He showed great presence of mind in the face of danger. om kop te hou حُضور الذِّهْن، سُرْعَة الخاطِر спокойствие presença de espírito duchapřítomnost die Geistesgegenwart åndsnærværelse ετοιμότητα presencia de ánimo, aplomo, serenidad enesevalitsus حضور ذهن maltti présence d'esprit קוֹר רוּחַ प्रत्युत्पन्नमतित्व prisutnost duha lélekjelenlét ketenangan yfirvegun presenza di spirito 沈着 침착 šaltakraujiškumas, blaivus protas augstasinība sifat sso yg tenang tegenwoordigheid van geest åndsnærvær przytomność umysłu هغه وخت چې ذهن په آرامه كار كوى presença de espírito prezenţă de spirit присутствие духа duchaprítomnosť prisebnost prisustvo duha sinnesnärvaro การตั้งสติได้ soğukkanlılık 鎮定 холоднокровність حاضر جوابي sự nhanh trí 镇定


حُضُور přítomnost nærværelseAnwesenheitπαρουσίαpresencia läsnäoloprésence prisutnostpresenza 存在 존재aanwezigheidtilstedeværelseobecnośćpresençaприсутствие närvaro การอยู่ในสถานที่หนึ่งvarlık sự có mặt出席


n. [looks] presencia, aspecto; [attendance] asistencia.

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Fight night round 3 ps2 iso. Presence may refer to:

Arts and entertainment[edit]

  • Presence (DC Comics), a fictional comic book representation of the Abrahamic God of Judeo-Christian-Islamic theology
  • Presence (Marvel Comics), or Sergei Krylov, a fictional character in the Marvel Comics universe
  • 'Presence', an episode from the second season of NewsRadio, an American sitcom, originally broadcast from 1995 to 1999 on NBC
  • Presence, a segment of the anthology anime film Robot Carnival
  • The Presence: A Ghost Story, a children's ghost novel by Eve Bunting
  • The Presence, an image appearing in the Year Zero alternate reality game based on the Nine Inch Nails album Year Zero
  • The Presence, a novel by Paul Black
  • The Presence (1989 film), an American horror film primarily known as Witchtrap
  • The Presence (1992 film), an American made-for-television film primarily known as Danger Island
  • The Presence (2010 film), an American horror film directed by Tom Provost
  • Presence (play), a 2001 play written by David Harrower
  • 'Presence', a song by Brittany Howard from the album Jaime


  • Presence (Led Zeppelin album), a 1976 album by Led Zeppelin
  • Presence (Petit Biscuit album), a 2017 album by Petit Biscuit
  • Presence (band), a short-lived British rock band started by Gary Biddles, Lol Tolhurst, and Michael Dempsey


  • Presence (sound recording), also known as room tone
  • Presence (amplification), used in four band equalisation
  • Presence (telepresence), the scientific and technological field
  • Immersion in virtual reality environments
  • Presence information, indicating availability of people on a telecommunications network
  • Presence service, a network service which accepts, stores and distributes presence information
  • Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, a bimonthly journal dedicated to electromechanical and computer systems
  • Distributed presence, a digital marketing term
  • Web presence, the appearance of a person or organization on the World Wide Web

Other uses[edit]

  • Divine presence, indicating a religious concept of God being 'present' among people
  • Metaphysics of presence, a philosophical concept
  • Presencia de América Latina, a mural painted by Mexican artist Jorge González Camarena
  • Real Presence, a term various Christian traditions use to express their belief that, in the Eucharist, Jesus Christ is really present

See also[edit]

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